We design and fabricate most of our specialized manufacturing equipment in house, which gives our engineers a unique understanding of not only the design process, but also what is takes to manufacture a part to the highest quality in very large quantities. Our engineers also maintain a vested interest in making sure the equipment is robust enough and intelligently designed so that our customers get nothing but a quality part shipped to their doorstep.
In our manufacturing footprint we maintain a fleet of tube mills, hydroformers, leak testing equipment, and other automated process equipment. Processes range from fully automated for large quantity manufacturing to fully manual for small specialized production batches.
Microflex utilizes Plexus online manufacturing software to maintain real-time, live information on raw material, production, dimensional data, material traceability, current orders, shipments, and demand. This advantage places us in a pro-active instead of reactive method of operation, which considerably reduces cost, and improves part tracking and delivery.